Holland Sunrise Movement Kickoff Meeting!

Start: Saturday, March 20, 2021 at 3:00 PM GMT

This is a virtual event

Are you passionate about caring for your friends and family, community and our natural environments?

Are you creative, looking for other youth who are motivated to talk about justice issues at the intersection of racial justice, environmental justice and social change?

Are you above 35+, and looking for ways to support the youth leaders in your community as they lead the charge on reversing the climate crisis?

The Sunrise Movement is a national youth-led organization for climate and social justice, and as of 2021, we have a hub in Holland!

Due to COVID-19, we can't meet in-person yet, but we're still going to have a fantastic, virtual kickoff meeting! Attendees will spend some time meeting and getting to know each other, jam out to some music, enjoy a few group activities, and then learn about what Sunrise is all about and how to get and stay involved in 2021!