Hollywood Labor for Karla Canvass

Start: Saturday, February 24, 202410:00 AM

Hollywood workers stand with LA's public schools – and educators in LA have asked for our help!

UTLA, the LA teachers union and DSA-LA have endorsed working class champion Karla Griego, an educator and a fighter for public education in Los Angeles for 19 years. She is a mother, an immigrant from El Salvador, LAUSD alumni, parent of LAUSD students, special education teacher, union organizer, and students’ rights activist. Electing a bold labor organizer and social justice activist like Karla is essential to transforming our schools to serve the diverse working-class families of Los Angeles.

We need to go out to voters and tell them about Karla's campaign, and why the need to vote for her before March 5th. We know knocking on doors might be something you’ve never done before. It can seem scary! But if you can learn to march on a picket line, knocking on doors is nothing. Plus, our veteran leaders will train you how to canvass, how to talk to voters, and help match you with an experienced volunteer who will be with you every step of the way.

And after we're done knocking doors, we'll all get together to grab food and drinks to talk about the entertainment industry, do some gossip, and get to know each other.

You do not need to be a worker in Hollywood to join! Everybody's welcome, but we want to show that local entertainment workers are fired up about this election.