#TeachTheTruth Rally

Start: Tuesday, February 15, 202212:00 PM

End: Tuesday, February 15, 2022 1:00 PM

You're invited to join our 2022 #TeachTheTruth Rally on Tuesday, Feb. 15th at 12pm in the 1st floor North Wing of the Capitol or virtually!

Join us in opposing legislation that censors American history and takes away control from local school boards and the KS State Board of Education. We aim to protect Kansas students from misguided censorship and ensure that our children continue to get the best education that we can offer.

Please RSVP here. If you would also like to participate in the larger KIFA Advocacy Days event, please find out more information and RSVP by visiting: https://bit.ly/KIFADays22

If you have any questions, contact KIFA organizer Saaliha Khan at skhan@kansasinterfaithaction.org

We look forward to having you join us in demanding legislators let educators #teachthetruth!

Please Share the Rally RSVP Link: https://bit.ly/TTTRally