Join the DUE Justice Coalition to Honor Dr. King & Take Action- April 4th
Start: Thursday, April 04, 2019• 4:00 PM
RSVP to join us in action and in honor of Dr. King's fight for a just and equitable Connecticut. View the call to action here.
We will stand in solidarity and urge our elected leaders to pass a MORAL BUDGET that that supports all CT residents and asks the wealthy to pay their fair share. RSVP today!
- 4:00- Gathering in Remembrance
- 4:15- Call for a Moral Budget
- 5:15- Action!
Spread the word! Share the Call to Action video, share this event on FB, download a flyer to share here
For questions contact
In #solidarity for a #moralbudget2019,
DUE Justice Coalition endorsing orgs.
DUE Justice Vision Statement- A Connecticut that Works for All of Us
We want a better Connecticut, and we can have it if we demand it.
We challenge our current elected leaders to join us in building a CT that will work for all of us, not just the few.
Good Jobs & A Fair Economy
So all of us can care for and support our families and our communities, by providing:
- paid family leave as a basic benefit at work
- a $15 minimum wage;
- collective bargaining, so all people, including public employees, can negotiate a fair return on their work;
- a tax system that is right side up, so that the wealthiest individuals and big corporations pay their fair share;
- full access to opportunity in housing, education & good jobs regardless of zip code, race, gender or ethnicity.
Great Public Education – from pre-K through college.
So every student in Connecticut, regardless of their zip code, can develop their talents, skills, and passions, by providing:
- a great start with early education, including full-day pre-K and kindergarten;
- fully-funded neighborhood public schools, with excellently-trained, well-paid healthy, happy, and diverse teachers and staff;a positive;
Quality affordable health care
So that that all residents, their families, and communities lead healthy and happy lives, by
- protecting the one in five CT residents on Medicaid, including children, working families, seniors and people with disabilities;
- making health coverage more affordable to everyone;
- allowing families not on Medicaid or Medicare to choose an insurer that puts their health ahead of corporate profits
- lowering the outrageous price of prescription drugs by stopping drug companies from keeping prices artificially high;
- preventing huge insurance companies and hospital monopolies from raising costs to increase CEO salaries and corporate profits;
Climate solutions
So that the health of all of Connecticut’s families and communities is protected and good jobs are created, by providing:
- clean energy solutions;
- investment in clean, renewable energy and the businesses that innovate these areas.
Democracy & fair Government
So that every one of our voices matter, not just those of wealthy campaign contributors and corporate lobbyists, by ensuring:
- barriers to voting are removed, including early voting, removing restrictions on access to the ballot box;
- the Citizens Election program is protected from attacks by corporate lobbyists, so that any qualified person can run for office without taking big money.
RSVP Today!