How to communicate to young voters – one year to make it count

Start: Tuesday, April 11, 2023 7:00 PM

Following the European Year of Youth and with the 2024 European elections on the horizon, effective EU communication towards youth is of strategic importance to reconnect them with EU politics and show them that their voice matters.

While awareness about the potential of the EU has greatly increased with the various crisis of the past few years (Brexit, Covid, war in Ukraine), the perception of EU politics keeps its stigmate as being far and incomprehensible and suffered from the recent Qatargate scandal.

With national media not always on point to cover EU politics, social medias have become essential for communicating Europe beyond the Brussels Bubble and rebuilding the bridge with citizens. Whether through videos, live-streams, memes or other innovative means, EU politics can be made not only palatable but even fun to follow, thus informing citizens and getting them engaged.

Join this event to discuss how European politicians and influencers could best reach out to young people and get them interested in EU politics.


  • Mohammed Chahim MEP, Vice-President of the Socialists and Democrats group
  • Quentin Deschandelliers/“Mepassistant”, EU influencer and streamer
  • Anamaria Dutceac Segesten, Senior Lecturer on European Studies
  • Karim Hallal Peche, Spanish Youtuber on European politics
  • Terry Reintke MEP, Co-President of the Greens/EFA group
  • Marie-Pierre Vedrenne MEP, Co-President of the French Renew Europe delegation

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