How to Play the Carbon Footprint Game
Start: Thursday, February 7, 2019 at 5:00 PM GMT
This is a virtual event
Learn how to play the Carbon Footprint Game at your place of worship in celebration of Earth Day!
More and more people today know that climate change is real, is caused by people, and is hurting people and the web of life right now. We know that our actions as individuals, families, congregations, businesses – and yes, even governments – can make a difference. The Carbon Footprint game was developed to invite participation of the whole congregation to act in their personal lives and as members of communities on this global issue. It invites children and adults to share ways to be a part of this important work together.
The game was developed and tested by congregations in the national capitol area. It helps to stimulate
discussion between youth and adults about what each of us can do to make this world a safer, healthier place. Many are already taking actions to reduce their carbon footprints. The game visibly celebrates what we are doing, and encourages new and renewed efforts, big and small.
Eric Goplerud will lead an hour long workshop to teach participants how to play the game, how to best engage your congregation, and what materials are needed.
The webinar will be interactive so please bring your questions!
A printed version of the game with needed materials can be requested here.
Link to webinar:
To join the audio only, dial:
+1 646 558 8656
Meeting ID: 905 753 802
If you are unable to attend a recorded version will be available to view.
Please email questions to