How You At Home Can Prepare For The Impact Of Climate Change

Start: Saturday, June 08, 2024 1:30 PM

End: Saturday, June 08, 2024 4:30 AM

As part of Great Big Green Week, Norwich Friends of the Earth is hosting a series of talks: “How You At Home Can Prepare For The Impact Of Climate Change” on Saturday 8th June at Norwich Quakers Meeting House 1:30-4:30pm. The speakers will guide you through four aspects of how a warming planet affects our homes and how to prepare for this (extreme temperatures, water issues, future-proofing your garden and retrofitting your home). There will be stalls to visit and opportunities to ask questions.

1:30 Event Opens

1:40 Introduction

1:50 Water Issues with Matthew Williams

2:25 Protection from extreme temperatures with Bridget McKenzie

2:55 Refreshments/stalls

3:15 Future-proof your garden with Jonathan Darby

3:50 Retrofit your home with Charlie Chamberlain & Simeon Jackson

4:20 Closing remarks

4:30 Event Closes

All are welcome at this Norwich community event.

The Climate Coalition’s Great Big Green Week is taking place between 8th and 16th June and will see thousands of people across the UK organising local festivals and events. Now in its fourth year, the campaign events will draw attention to climate change and destruction of the natural world, while also making a connection with these issues in communities like Norwich.

The Great Big Green Week will show that people and communities across the UK are making swaps every day to help create a better world, for us now and for the next generation.