Huddle in Melrose Park, Take 2

Start: Tuesday, March 07, 2017 7:00 PM

End: Tuesday, March 07, 2017 9:00 PM

We have rescheduled the "Huddle in Melrose Park!"

This is The Women's March Action 2 of the 10 Actions in the First 100 Days. We wrote postcards. What's next? A Next Up Huddle.

What is a Next Up Huddle?

We will gather together in our neighborhoods utilizing the energy we saw at Women’s Marches to move into action.

Our Huddle will be a positive, inclusive, and action-oriented local meeting where marchers and allies can gather together to define our next steps in bringing our communities to greater inclusion, compassion and care for one another.

Your voices and your ideas matter. Come and bring friends. Let's plan ways to bring more good into our neighborhood and our world.

RSVP for address.
Event by
Efland, North Carolina