Huddle Together MID TN
Start: Saturday, February 11, 2017• 1:00 PM
End: Saturday, February 11, 2017• 4:00 PM

Hey Mid TN marchers, organizers, activists and supporters! You're Invited and bring a friend! This Huddle is hosted by Darlene Leong Neal and Jennifer Wilson, founding members of Power Together TN. Jennifer is a local real estate agent and an organizer extraordinaire. Darlene also acts as a TN State Admin for WMW-National and volunteers with the TN Anti Racist Network.
What is a Next Up Huddle? During the first few weeks of February, we will gather together in our neighborhoods and begin to transform the energy we saw at Women’s Marches into local and national action. This is the first step we need to take in order to mobilize millions to win back the country and world we want.
Please help set our Huddle agenda by commenting or sending an email with action items you would like to see us address. This could be a proposal for an action, a point of discussion, or a request for allies from organizers of other groups. Bring your ideas and passion: This is our movement and it will be what we make it.
Proposed Agenda (please send additional agenda items, proposals, or announcements.)
1:00 Welcome! Announcements! Post Cards! Have a Snack, shake hands, make friends.
1:15 Facilitated Group Discussion/Debrief on Women's March / Power Together TN participation. What was your experience? How has it affected you? Positive outcomes? Negative? What will you do next? Are you interested in further training or workshops on specific issues?
1:45 Self Care for Activists, Organizers, and Leaders: You Must Take Care of Yourself. We have tips on how you can do that.
2:15 Break
2:30 Facilitated Group Discussion on proposed actions. Bring your proposals on actions you'd like to see happen in our community, state, and country. Hear about actions others are organizing. Find out how you can connect right now with others working on issues that matter to you! We will promote all actions and groups determined to be in solidarity with the WMW Unity Principles.
3:00 Break
3:15 Facilitated Envisioning: Transforming our energy and passion into effective and sustainable action. Discussion of next steps as a movement, locally, statewide, national, and global. Where do you see us in a month? 3 months? 6 months? A year?
3:50 Conclude.
Our Huddle will be a positive, inclusive, and action-oriented local
meeting where marchers and allies can gather together to define our next
steps as a movement, and envision how to transform the energy we saw at
Women’s Marches into local and national action. If you would like to set up your own Huddle with your friends, neighbors, community organizations, church group -- we can help! Send an email for further details.