Human Oil Spill

Start: Tuesday, November 15, 201611:45 AM

End: Tuesday, November 15, 201612:15 PM

The movement to stop the Dakota Access Pipeline is growing stronger by the day, and it’s time for all of us to rise up and play a role in this fight.

On Tuesday, November 15, University of Rochester students and community members will dress in black and lie on the floor of Wilson Commons, our student center, forming a "Human Oil Spill."  This will be a powerful statement to protest the DAPL and also to push the University to divest from fossil fuels.

We will meet in Hirst Lounge at 11:45am, with the Spill happening from 12-12:15pm.  Feel free to bring signs.  We will have a student speaker and hopefully some press coverage!  Please rsvp with this link.

Here is the Facebook event.