Huntington People's Climate Sister Rally and March

Start: Saturday, April 29, 201711:00 AM

Current legislative trends weakening our environmental protections are a threat to the future of our planet, the safety of our communities, and the health of our families. There is a massive amount of Oil and Gas infrastructure proposed or already being built within the Ohio River watershed. If all of it is completed, we will not be able to meet our Climate Goals.

The new presidential and WV gubernatorial administrations have attacked the hard-won protections of our climate, health, and communities, and the rights of people of color, workers, indigenous people, immigrants, women, LGBTQIA, young people, and more.

We've fought back with a wave of protests larger than at almost any other point in history — let's make sure that we mark the 100th day of Trump's presidency with another mass action that sends a message and stands up for our communities' health and environment.

Join us on April 29th at 11:00 at Heritage Station, Huntington, WV. Let's march together.

Contact for more information.