Chargers Stadium PLA Event

Start: Saturday, April 23, 201610:45 AM

Want to build a new Chargers Stadium?

Join IBEW 569 and San Diego Building Trades at an event to show our support for building a new stadium with our skilled, local workers under a Project Labor Agreement (PLA) with the Chargers!

DATE: Saturday, April 23rd

TIME: 10:45am

WHERE: Tailgate Park (nearby Petco Park), 1304 Imperial Avenue, San Diego, 92101

Bring your family and friends!


(For those members that RSVPed for our precinct walk, we are instead focusing our efforts on this event and there will be future precinct walks - check our IBEW 569 Member Calendar for opportunities - and we look forward to seeing you on April 23rd!)

Event by
Gretchen Newsom
San Diego, California
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