IBEW 569 Phone Bank for Safeguard SD / Measure D

Start: Tuesday, October 11, 2022 5:00 PM

Phone bank with IBEW 569 to call our members and remind them to vote for our endorsed candidates - and help pass Measure D to "Safeguard SD" and repeal the PLA Ban in San Diego!

WHAT: IBEW 569 Phone Bank for Safeguard SD and Endorsed Candidates

WHEN: Tuesday, October 11th | 5:00-7:00pm

WHERE: IBEW 569, 4545 Viewridge Avenue, San Diego, CA 92123

CONTACT: Gretchen Newsom, IBEW 569 Political Director, 619-208-4853, gnewsom@ibew569.org

NOTE: Refreshments will be provided; please notify Gretchen of any food allergies.

Event by
Gretchen Newsom
San Diego, California
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