Indivisible CD 27 Coalition: Rally for a Clean Debt Ceiling

Start: Friday, May 19, 2023 5:45 PM

It's time to hit the pavement for democracy again!

Indivisible CD 27 Coalition is organizing a Rally for a Clean Debt Ceiling on Friday, May 19th, at 5:45 PM.

You won't believe the debt ceiling bill MAGA Mike Garcia just signed off on! This bill is a disaster! It's going to cause delays and cuts to Social Security and Medicare, undo environmental progress, cut food assistance, strip healthcare from millions (including $80 billion for VA healthcare!), and let the rich cheat on taxes. Ugh, why would anyone agree to this?!

Nearly every Republican voted for this bill - in fact, there were only four who opposed it, and they did so because it wasn’t extreme enough for them!

Bring signs and be ready to use your voice for change.
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