Indivisible Suffragette Sisters Huddle Meeting

Start: Sunday, March 05, 2017 3:30 PM

End: Sunday, March 05, 2017 6:30 PM

NOTE: Currently our #Huddle is not seeking donations. All we ask is that those attending either order a $10 minimum from Du-par's 24 Hour Traditional Menu or ideally “Beat the Clock” where if you order between 4:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. the price you pay for your meal is whatever the time is (i.e. Order at 4:11 and pay $4.11 + drink). Unless specifically stated otherwise, parking in the back is complementary on Sunday's.

During the first few weeks of March, we will gather together in our neighborhoods and continue to transform the energy we saw at Women’s Marches and activisim from the Indivisible Guide into local and national action. We need to mobilize locally to go globally with millions and win back the country and world we want. Our #Huddle will be a positive, inclusive, and action-oriented local meeting where marchers and likeminded allies can gather together to define our ongoing steps of The Resistance movement. We need to show Congress that there is broad resistance to Trump’s agenda. Join us this meeting and help us plan Congressional office visits, coordinate phone calls, and more.

#HUDDLE : This week we celebrate Women's History Month. Women's History Month is an annual declared month that highlights the contributions of women to events in history and contemporary society. It is celebrated during March in the United States, the United Kingdom, and Australia, corresponding with International Women's Day on March 8. Special guest Leslie Bielanski, Fundraising Coordinator for the United DemocratIc Headquarters In Pasadena, will speak briefly on the relevant upcoming Los Angeles City and County March 7th, 2017 Local Election. Though Leslie Bielanski cannot endorse, she can offer us information on the candidates, the Democratic Organizations, local Democratic Clubs, inform us and answer questions. We will discuss how we can have both a higher impact on our own districts as well as calling other states. The main focus will be on our representatives recognizing us as their constituents.

UDH Facebook Link :


Event by
Brooke Robbins Robbins
Altadena, California