International Symposium on Regenerative Ecosystems
Start: Tuesday, November 29, 2022•12:00 PM
End: Wednesday, November 30, 2022•12:00 PM
This symposium may be of special interest to peace educators addressing any of the range of issues related to the climate crisis. The action research process at the core of the planning of the program is consistent with and complementary to the concept of ecological thinking advocated as a capacity to be developed by peace education, in Learning Peace: the Promise of Ecological and Cooperative Education (1988, SUNY Press). Below is a call from the organizers.
Here you can find the symposium brochure that provides a background, details of core dimensions, topics, and a matrix for conceptualizing multidisciplinary issues for holistic interventions to facilitate sustainable and regenerative ecosystems in different contexts, viz., rural, urban, industrial, etc.
Here you can find a short video outlining the guidelines for conceptualizing the issues on the ground, so that the deliberations will lead to facilitating regenerative ecosystems.
Here you can find a short video on what are the benefits of participating in this symposium to various stakeholders including policy executives, practitioners and corporate executives.
For more information:
Ph :+91.674 - 6647777