International Worker's Day 2023

Start: Monday, May 01, 202311:30 AM

In Seattle, we march with El Comité in recognition of the fact that all workers are part of the same struggle. Differences of citizenship, immigration status, documentation must not divide the working class, any more than differences of gender or race. In solidarity we find our strength, and lend it to those who feel most threatened. Our neighbors may live in fear of ICE raids, but on May 1st they can walk amongst us with their chins held high. For those who stand at a precipice, wondering if they have the power to make a change for themselves and their fellow workers, on May 1st they can look out and see thousands standing with them. As we march, we stand in solidarity with migrant workers, sex workers, incarcerated workers, low-wage workers, and unpaid workers. We stand in solidarity with our unhoused neighbors, and with our fellow humans across all borders.

No rally or march alone will bring about a better world, but they might help to remind us that it’s still possible. Solidarity!

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