Internet for All: NYC Campaign Launch

Start: Friday, May 07, 2021 4:30 PM

With the onset of the COVID-19 crisis, internet access has become even more critical to New Yorkers' lives in finding employment, accessing government services, and connecting with loved ones. Internet access in New York City, however, remains expensive and slow, and barriers to access fall disproportionately along lines of race, age, disability, immigration status, and economic status.

To achieve truly equitable Internet access for our communities and ensure that all New Yorkers have the resources needed to recover from our current crisis, we cannot allow New York City to continue subsidizing the same union-busting corporations who have failed time and again to provide functional, reliable, equitable, and inexpensive internet to all New Yorkers. Instead of private Internet monopolies, we need a municipal broadband network in NYC now!

The Internet for All coalition is fighting for the creation of a publicly-owned, fully-unionized municipal broadband provider to make sure every New Yorker can access education, work, and other services online