Introducing Block & Build: Left Strategy in the MAGA Era

Start: 2024-04-02 16:00:00 UTC Pacific Daylight Time (US & Canada) (GMT-07:00)

End: 2024-04-02 17:00:00 UTC Pacific Daylight Time (US & Canada) (GMT-07:00)

This is a virtual event

header graphic that features the date and time of the event and headshots of host Cayden Mak and panelists Whitney Maxey, Sandra Hinson, Josh Elstro, and Emily Ja-Ming Lee

Join Convergence Magazine and Seed the Vote for a special online event introducing the concepts, content, and applications of the Block and Build Syllabus: Left Strategy in the MAGA Era. The event will preview the syllabus content, as well as present case studies about its use and development. Plus, you’ll learn how you can get support to bring this study and insight into organizations of every size.

The syllabus is a political education tool developed by Convergence, originally for our own internal study, that best articulates our position and strategy for the road ahead. While the organized Left moved beyond abstentionism as a central strategy in 2016, making a critical difference in 2018, 2020, and 2022, many are questioning whether electoral work is worth it, given the options on the menu in 2024. The crisis in Gaza and US policy failures provide an immediate example of how hard, and necessary, the work of Block and Build is at this moment; the need for broad-front politics that are rooted in our principles and vision is urgent.

Written with organizers in mind, we’re pleased to offer this seven-part self-paced course that examines the current moment in the arc of US democracy: where we are, how we got here, and our best assessment about how we might block a total capture of the federal government while also building

the capacity of our movements to shape the trajectory of the “small-d” democratic alternative.

Host: Cayden Mak, Publisher, Convergence Magazine

  • Whitney Maxey, Editorial Board, Convergence Magazine
  • Sandra Hinson, Editorial Board, Convergence Magazine
  • Josh Elstro, Audio Producer, Convergence Magazine
  • Emily Ja-Ming Lee, Executive Director, Seed the Vote
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