Invest in Our NY Goes to DC to tell Congress to Tax the Rich!

Start: Tuesday, September 17, 2024 9:00 AM

Location:U.S. CapitolE Capitol St. & 1st St. NE, Washington, DC 20004 US

Host Contact Info:

In 2017, the Trump administration worked to pass a set of laws (the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act) that changed the federal tax code, including: reducing the corporate tax rate from 35% to 21%, cutting individual income tax rates for the highest earners, and changing the tax code to benefit the ultra-rich. Some parts of the Act are set to expire in 2025 - and Republicans have made it part of their federal agenda to extend and deepen tax cuts for the ultra-rich.

IONY partner Fair Share America is hosting a Lobby Day in Washington, DC, on September 18th. We’ll be joining them with allies from around the country to make clear to our members of Congress now—ahead of November and ahead of the 2025 tax fight— that the rich and big corporations must pay what they owe in taxes and we must use that revenue to invest in our communities!

Please use this sheet to register to join the NY group going to DC. Please register by Friday, September 6th. For the September 18th lobby day, we will be traveling to DC on the morning of 9/18 and returning to NY in the evening. In addition to the September 18th lobby day, Fair Share America is hosting a training on the federal tax fight the day before, on September 17th. If you'd like to join us on the 17th and stay overnight in DC for the lobby day, please include that in your registration.

If you have any questions, please email