Irvine Climate Action Strike

Start: Friday, September 27, 201912:30 PM

End: Friday, September 27, 2019 1:30 PM


Great news! So many people have signed up for this event that we are going to relocate it just a few blocks from the original location, so we can all fit :)

This is the address -

UCI Flagpoles, Bus Loop, Irvine, CA, 92612


PARKING: You can only park in the Student Center parking structure (costs $2/hour). They will tow you if you park at University Town Center.

Student Center parking structure address:
A311 Student Center, Irvine, CA 92697

We are ~5 min walk from the original Cha for Tea location - walk across the bridge and there is a plaza where we will be!


Let's demand climate action now and stand for a right to the future! When the earth and communities we love are under attack, we stand up and fight back. Be a part of the global climate movement on September 27th and help us spread awareness in Irvine! Join fellow community members as we gather in support of a strong climate action in our communities, nationally and globally. Bring your friends and family to this demonstration along with your posters and your voices!