Issue Campaign Simulation
Start: Saturday, June 03, 2023•10:00 AM
End: Saturday, June 03, 2023• 4:00 PM
Are you interested in learning how to start your own issue campaign? Do you care about changing a policy but aren't sure how to write an effective plan for change? Would you like some extra support on ways to build and sustain pressure on your targets to get your policy passed?
Then join us on Saturday, June 3rd from 10AM-4PM for our Issue Campaign Simulation! This will be a hands-on event that focuses on guided practice rather than lectures. If you learn more effectively by doing than just listening, this should be a great event for you!
Facilitators and coaches will be working with participants to build a campaign plan in the morning. In the afternoon, participants will choose a set of campaign tactics to use, and will put on these actions in brief skits where they will receive feedback from the larger group.
Two of the biggest challenges in running a successful issue campaign are strategic planning and putting on effective actions. This simulation will be a great opportunity to receive guided practice in these two areas!