Jan 9th #DayAgainstDenial

Start: Monday, January 09, 201711:30 AM

End: Monday, January 09, 2017 1:00 PM

On January 9th, people in all 50 states will send a message to every US Senator: reject Donald Trump's reckless climate denying cabinet nominees. We'll rally outside the offices of Sen. Heinrich and Sen. Udall.

The Day Against Denial will fight back against some of Trump’s most dangerous cabinet picks:

- Rex Tillerson, CEO of Exxon, for Secretary of State
- Scott Pruitt for EPA Administrator
- Ex-Gov. Rick Perry for Secretary of Energy
- Rep. Ryan Zinke for Department of Interior

The climate is changing, and anyone who denies this shouldn't be in the White House cabinet. It's up to the Senate to stop these nominations -- and up to us to show up in person to tell our Senators to fight Trump's Climate Denial Cabinet - and to support them if they do.

Join us to say, "No climate science deniers and fossil fuel CEO's in the cabinet!"


Bring signs!

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Albuquerque, United Kingdom
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