January 2022 Unlearning Circle (1/08/2022)

Start: Saturday, January 8, 2022 at 3:00 PM GMT

End: Saturday, January 8, 2022 at 5:00 PM GMT

This is a virtual event

January’s UWSA Unlearning Circle will explore the People’s Institute for Survival and Beyond’s principle - Networking:

We recognize that the growth of a movement for social transformation requires networking – “building a net that works.” Networking means building principled relationships based on humane values.

For some of us, the word “networking” may conjure images of settings where the goal is more important than the relationship, and the quantity of relationships matters more than the quality of those relationships. In January’s Unlearning Circle, we will discuss a different kind of networking–the kind of networking necessary for social change to happen.

We cannot do this work alone, both because we need support to sustain ourselves and each other in this work, and because undoing white supremacy requires a multitude of skills and perspectives. While the number of meaningful relationships any one of us can sustain is limited when we combine our networks, connecting in coalitions, we are unstoppable in effecting change.

Please join us to explore what it means to be in “principled relationships based on humane values,” how we can build meaningful connections with one another, and how we center relationship-building in our work to create a more equitable world.

The following resources can be helpful in preparing for the discussion. Please join us even if you haven’t had a chance to review these resources.

  • in case it helps / bell hooks asé

by adrienne maree brown on December 1th, 2021


  • Building Effective Coalitions for Racial Equity

by Danielle Sherman on October 18th, 2017


  • Lean on Me

by Bill Withers


  • in relationship with others

by adrienne maree brown on July 7, 2009


  • Let’s Replace Cancel Culture with Accountability

by Sonya Renee Taylor on January 22, 2021


  • Relationships - Who Are You With?

by Fakequity on December 10, 2021


  • Why Coalition, Not Allyship, Is the Necessary Next Step in the Racial Justice Movement

by Suyin Haynes on June 22, 2021


People’s Institute for Survival and Beyond - Antiracist Principles https://www.pisab.org/our-principles/

About our Unlearning Circles -

UWSA’s first Unlearning Circle in the winter of 2017 was created as a place for white people to do the work of reflection and community self-education. As we continue to gather to critically examine our own participation in cultures of dominance, we build our capacity to show up as individuals and as a city-wide community network for Black, Indigenous and people of color-led anti-racist efforts in a positive and accountable way. The Unlearning Circles are an opportunity for white identifying people to explore white supremacy culture and our role and responsibilities in undoing racism. We welcome and recognize the gift of the presence of any People of Color who choose to join us.

In solidarity,

The UWSA Organizing Team

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