January 3--Rally at the Capitol--Reform the Rules

Start: Tuesday, January 03, 202311:00 AM

End: Tuesday, January 03, 202312:00 PM

January 3rd, 2023, will be the first day of the 2023-2024 legislative session. Legislators and their guests will gather to swear in new legislators, vote on House Speaker and Senate President Pro Tempore, and vote on legislative rules. Fair Districts PA, the League of Women Voters of Pennsylvania and other PA advocacy organizations will gather in Harrisburg to request better legislative rules so bipartisan solutions, many introduced session after session, sometimes decade after decade, can finally get a vote.

The rally will take place on the Capitol steps from 11 am to noon. Organizational leaders will be speaking about bipartisan solutions, public support and ways those solutions have been blocked from a vote. Bring signs, banners, whatever you can to help make the point that PA voters want a legislature ready to vote on bills with bipartisan support. Plan to come early and stop by your legislators’ offices or stay afterward to watch session events on live-stream at various locations throughout the capitol building.

Given the new dynamics in the PA House, this will be an historic day for Pennsylvania. Come be part of it!

Opportunities to carpool available.

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