JESPA Rep Training

Start: Friday, August 04, 201712:00 PM

End: Friday, August 04, 2017 4:00 PM

Public education is facing challenges on many fronts. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos has made it very clear that she wants to create voucher programs that allow public tax dollars to fund private and religious schools. At the same time, a more conservative Supreme Court is likely to diminish collective bargaining rights, threatening the already shrinking middle class.

Here in Colorado, a foundation advocating on behalf of the Koch brothers is carrying out a six-figure propaganda campaign to promote charter schools and “school choice.”

And this fall in Jeffco, we will be in the midst of a high-stakes school board election that will impact the future of our schools, students, and ESPs for years to come.

For these reasons (and more), we must take action to keep Jeffco Public Schools and JESPA strong! A strong association can preserve public education and advocate for the schools our students deserve, but we can’t do it without engaged Building Reps who are leading our work and mobilizing our members.

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