Join the MA Tuition Equity Coalition (MTEC) for our youth training!

Start: Saturday, June 03, 202312:00 PM

End: Saturday, June 03, 2023 2:00 PM

Do you want to get involved with the Tuition Equity Campaign in Massachusetts?

Join the Massachusetts Tuition Equity Coalition (MTEC) for our Immigrant Youth Training on June 3rd!

On this day, Stories Inspiring Movements (SIM), Brazilian Worker Center, and Centro Presente will hold a training from 12 PM to 2 PM. In this training, MA immigrant youth will become familiar with the organizations involved in the campaign, learn about leadership development and grassroots organizing, as well as the Tuition Equity Campaign and how we can take action together. We will be providing pizza for lunch for all participants who sign-up.

If you would like to attend this training, please fill out this sign-up form.

Do you want to learn more about tuition equity? Click here.

If you have any questions, please reach out to:
SIM's Program Coordinator Cristian at

We look forward to having you join us the fight for tuition equity!
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