Join us to elect more greens in Hove - Brunswick & Adelaide - September

Start: Sunday, September 25, 202212:00 PM

End: Sunday, September 25, 2022 2:00 PM

On Sunday 25th September, Green Party councillors for Brunswick & Adelaide, Hannah and Phélim, will be speaking to residents about the most important issues in Brighton & Hove.

In May 2023, Brighton & Hove go to the polls. Our city will be selecting a slate of councillors to represent us at the council for the next four years.

There are lots of exciting developments happening which put us in a strong position to make gains in Hove & Portslade, while defending our current seats. We have effective campaign plans ready to action. However, we need to get out and speak to voters, in order to ensure that our message resonates with them.

It's important that residents across the entire city know what Green councillors are doing to help communities, so whether you live in Brunswick & Adelaide, or elsewhere, your help will be hugely appreciated. You do not need any prior door-knocking experience: we will brief volunteers on the day and scripts will be provided. If you haven't door-knocked before, we will pair you up with someone who has.

Watch this video of Councillor Hannah Clare talking about how brilliant it is to see new faces at our action days.

Meeting the bottom of Brunswick Place, we'll disperse from there, in pairs or small groups. We'll be out from 11am to 1pm, but there's no obligation to stay for the whole time. We will head to Maris & Otter on Norfolk Square after the session.

Host contact information:

Please include your mobile number to be added to a WhatsApp group where we can provide updates about the day and keep in touch.