July 12 - Take the Blue Wave Across Berks County
Start: Thursday, July 12, 2018• 6:30 PM
End: Thursday, July 12, 2018• 9:30 PM
The blue wave is coming to Berks County, but we need volunteers to make it happen! Please join Turn PA Blue, Berks County Democratic Party, and Indivisible Greater Boyertown for some food and drinks and to learn more about what you can do to help flip the state legislature in November! You’ll have a chance to meet some amazing State Candidates. This event is free, but we ask that you register in advance so that we know how much food to order.
- Katie Muth for PA Senate (SD-44)
- Linda Fields for PA Senate (SD-24)
- Douglas B. Metcalfe for PA House (HD-128)
- Tom Applebach (HD-134)
If you wish to help defer the costs of the event or make a donation to Turn PA Blue, you can donate here.