July Cambridge DSA Meeting - Tax Harvard & Get a Socialist into the State House!

Start: Saturday, July 20, 202412:00 PM

End: Saturday, July 20, 2024 3:00 PM

Location:Porter MBTA T-Station1899 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA 02140, Cambridge, MA 02140 US

Host Contact Info: cambridge@bostondsa.org

Cambridge DSA

You're invited! July 20th Boston DSA's Cambridge & Healthcare working groups canvass for DSA nationally endorsed State Rep candidate Evan MacKayJoin your DSA comrades on Saturday, July 20th. Cambridge DSA and the Boston DSA Healthcare working group are doing a joint canvass for DSA nationally endorsed candidate for Massachusetts State Rep. Evan MacKay (a champion for progressive taxation and Medicare For All).

We will go out into the community to collect signatures to Tax Harvard! and canvass for Boston DSA's endorsed candidate running for DSA member Evan MacKay (election day is Sept. 3rd just 6 weeks away!). We will launch from Porter MBTA T-station! Water & snacks (provided!)

If you can't get there right at 12, no problem - we'll be canvassing from 12-3 and will be happy to see you anytime during that stretch. Never canvassed before? No worries, we will pair you up with an experienced buddy.

Join for the canvass and treat yourself with the social that begins at 3pm (rain date Sunday July 21st).

Calling all comrades! You don't have to live in Cambridge to join us :)

Follow us on Instagram @CambridgeDSA and on Twitter/X @Cambridge_DSA

Not yet a DSA member? Join us today! https://dsausa.org/join

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