July Chapter Happy Hour

Start: Thursday, July 29, 2021 5:30 PM

End: Thursday, July 29, 2021 8:30 PM

Join fellow Metro DC DSA members for a monthly happy hour! This event will take place at Midlands Beer Garden. The venue has plentiful outdoor space, along with indoor space that is open to outdoor air through large garage door-style windows.

Health and Safety

According to the latest CDC guidance, fully vaccinated people are safely able to resume all pre-pandemic indoor and outdoor activities. People who are not yet fully vaccinated or are vaccinated and experience some underlying health conditions still face a degree of risk for infection (though this risk is lower for outdoor activities) and should follow local public health, CDC, and primary care guidance for their situation. If attendees prefer to wear masks, there will likely be masks available, though attendees are also encouraged to bring their own masks.

New CDC guidance for vaccinated people: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/fully-vaccinated.html

CDC guidance for vaccinated and unvaccinated people: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/daily-life-coping/participate-in-activities.html    

Find a walk-in vaccine near you: https://www.vaccines.gov/search/

In-Person Conduct

As we reconnect in-person with comrades old and new, please remember that we share a community, but we don't all share the same identity, ideals, goals, and context. Things may be misinterpreted or communicated in ways we do not intend.

As our chapter continues to develop its Conflict Resolution process, our Harassment and Grievance Officers are happy to talk through unpleasant interactions, both when something has happened to you, or where you are concerned you may have caused offense. These interactions can include misgendering, using inaccurate or inappropriate terms, or anything else that has created an uncomfortable environment. Please contact the HGOs at hgo@mdcdsa.org.

Questions? Please contact steering-all@mdcdsa.org with questions about this event.


This event is open to members and supporters.

Not a Member? Please consider becoming a Member. Fees are on a sliding scale according to what you feel you can afford: http://dsausa.org/join?source=Metro%20DC
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