K12 Classified Lobby Day
Start: Monday, March 03, 2025• 9:30 AM
End: Monday, March 03, 2025• 4:30 PM
Location:Oregon State Capitol •900 Ct NE, Salem, OR 97301 US
Host Contact Info: info@pfsp111.org

PFSP staff will be joining other K12 Classified Locals from AFT OR and OSEA to go to Salem and meet with state legislators to advocate for:
- Quality Education Model FundingSo schools have the funds they need to deliver high quality educational opportunities that students deserve
- K12 Incident Reporting
Creating a statewide online reporting systems for workplace injury, harm, and incidents - Statewide K12 Staff Job Classification
Creating a standard for job classifications to prevent trend of new titles with same duties and lower pay - K12 Classified Wage Standards
Educator salary minimums to raise standards across the state