Kempsey (Malvern Hills) Action Day 9 April

Start: Wednesday, April 09, 202510:00 AM

End: Wednesday, April 09, 2025 4:00 PM

Location:Talbot Inn Carpark87 Main Road, Kempsey, WR5 3JA GB

Host Contact Info:

Our campaign for the May 1 County Council elections is targeting four areas Croome (defence) (Kempsey , Upton and surrounds) and the three Malvern divisions Trinity (defence), Chase (defence), Link (gain). We know we need to campaign hard as the other parties are definitely  out and about!

We invite both new volunteers and existing volunteers who can do a bit extra to join us.

Our 9 April Action Day will focus on Kempsey and surrounds where Martin Allen is our councillor and candidate  

This will be a crucial last chance to reach postal voters

You will be helping to deliver leaflets, heading off from the meeting place (The Talbot Inn), either individually or in pairs. Lifts will be provided if you don't have transport.

For those around at lunchtime, we hope you will join us in the Talbot Inn for some refreshment. The pub does not open until 1200 so anyone needing to use a toilet is welcome to let Martin  know and come to his house which is 5 mins walk away, or go to Tesco’s,  St Peters Drive, Worcester, WR5 3SW which is 2 miles away.

If you can also help our Malvern-based Tuesday Action Days, please sign up for these separately.

If you can't make it to an Action Day, but can help in your own time, please email Pete at

Thank You

Please register on the form on this page