[Kentucky Poor People's Campaign Rally and Press Conference for a Third Reconstruction

Start: Monday, June 07, 202112:00 PM

End: Monday, June 07, 2021 1:00 PM

Join the Kentucky Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival on Monday, June 7th at 12 Noon EDT/11 am CDT for our news conference and rally to demand a Third Reconstruction in America. Our Rally and Press Conference is in front of the Romano Mazzoli Federal Building, 600 Martin Luther King, Jr. Place, Louisville, KY 40202.  After the Press Conference we will process to Injustice Square to honor Breonna Taylor. Click here for the Facebook Event.

Kentucky will join with states around the country and Washington DC to put our US Representatives on notice. Drawing on the transformational history of the First Reconstruction following the Civil War and the Second Reconstruction of the civil rights struggles of the 20th century, the Third Reconstruction is a revival of our constitutional commitment to establish justice, provide for the general welfare, end decades of austerity, and recognize that policies that center the 140 million are also good economic policies that can heal and transform the nation. This resolution recognizes that in order to build a true Third Reconstruction we must simultaneously deal with the interlocking injustices of systemic racism, poverty, ecological devastation and the denial of health care, militarism and the distorted moral narrative of religious nationalism that blames the poor instead of the systems that cause poverty. We are building to June 21, when we will hold a National Poor People’s and Low-Wage Workers Assembly, which will be held online and at a socially distanced rally in Raleigh. The Poor People’s Campaign then launches a one-year campaign toward a Moral March on Washington and Poor People’s & Low-Wage Workers Assembly on June 18, 2022, in Washington, D.C.

Date: June 7,2021

Time: 12 noon EDT/11 am CDT

Location: Romano Mazzoli Federal Building

Address: 600 Martin Luther King, Jr. Place  Louisville, KY 40202

Schedule :

-11:30 EDT10:30 am CDT arrive and gather signs and assemble for the press conference.

- 12:00 Noon/ 11 am CDT press conference begins

- 12:40 pm/11:40 am CDT  program concludes. We will then quietly march to Injustice Square to honor Breonna Taylor and have a call to action. The distance to the Square is .7 mile.

***Parking Directions:

Closest Public Parking to the Mazzoli Building is at 5th and Chestnut Street. Closest Public Parking near Injustice Square is 7th and Market Street. There is street parking all around the area.

For Covid safety we are asking that all participants wear double masks and remain at least 8ft apart at all times. If you are feeling at all ill, even the slightest of symptoms we ask that you stay at home and watch this program online.

We stand united with folks across the country as they too call on their US Representatives to sign-on to our Third Reconstruction Resolution.

Join us June 7th!

For more information, contact Kentucky campaign email: kentucky@poorpeoplescampaign.org