Labor and Change Teach-In

Start: Friday, October 28, 2016 9:30 AM

End: Saturday, October 29, 2016 4:00 PM

Join us to listen, learn, and build.

Featured Keynote Speakers:

Prof. Frances Fox Piven, the best known political sociologist in the United States. Author of Challenging Authority: How Ordinary People Change America.

Larry Cohen, former president of Communication Workers of America, and current chair of Our Revolution, a new progressive movement organizing to support a new generation of progressive leaders.

In Tennessee and the United States, we are confronted with a sea change in political action and ideology. New alternatives are being sought and advocated, while old ideologies are being reinforced and old privileges defended. Universities are among many areas that have been sites of contention during this extended period of political conflict. How do we think through organizing for social change in a climate so rife with conflict and division? What actors can we work with, what programs do we articulate and defend? How can university faculty, students, and staff of all kind work together and with community actors to achieve a progressive outcome?

These and other questions will animate the “Labor and Change Teach In”, scheduled for Oct 28 and 29 at the UT PanHellenic Building. Full program available in early October via Facebook.