Launch Call: Building a Beautiful Future - 2023 Membership Drive

Start: 2023-01-08 18:00:00 UTC Eastern Standard Time (US & Canada) (GMT-05:00)

A link to attend this virtual event will be emailed upon RSVP

Join us on January 8th at 6pm for the official launch of our Membership Drive! We’re going to talk about how you can get involved in this campaign and help us grow to win! No time to waste, time to organize and fight for our future!

2022 was a momentous year for Mid-Hudson Valley DSA and the socialist movement! We sent Sarahana to the New York State Assembly, passed the Build Public Renewables Act in the State Senate, and fought for housing justice in the Hudson Valley. All this was possible because of our members! DSA is a democratic, member-led, and dues funded organization. We don't take any corporate money or rely on wealthy donors. Our power comes from the working class! And in 2022 we built working class power and made some history (HELL YEA)!

So!… After a year of victories and hard fought campaigns you may find yourself asking questions like: “Winning is awesome! What’s next?”, or, “How do we seize the means of production from the capitalist class?”. Well comrade the answer is: We Organize!

To realize things like universal healthcare, public power, decarceration and abolition, economic and racial justice… Or dare I say even REVOLUTION! We need so many more people fighting with us as part of this movement for a beautiful future.