Launch of new World BEYOND War Halifax chapter!

Start: Friday, February 28, 202012:00 PM

End: Friday, February 28, 2020 4:00 PM

Chapter coordinator Tracy Oakley will be at the Halifax Central Library (5440 Spring Garden Rd) on Friday, February 28th from 12pm-4pm to collect signatures for World BEYOND War's Peace Pledge. Stop by the table to meet Tracy, learn more about World BEYOND War, and sign up to get involved with the chapter.

Tracy's table will be set up in the front lobby of the library. There won't be a large space to congregate, so just take a couple minutes to swing by and say hello, sign your name, and then we'll follow up with you about next steps for organizing a chapter kick-off meeting.

World BEYOND War is a global grassroots network of volunteers, activists, and allied organizations advocating for the abolition of war, and its replacement with a just and sustainable peace.

Our Halifax chapter will create a platform for peace education and grassroots activism, through the divestment and military base closure campaigns. And World BEYOND War will provide us with free educational materials and organizing training to make this happen.

Interested in joining the chapter, but can't stop by the WBW table on the 28th? Email Tracy at to connect with her and talk about opportunities for getting involved!

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