Learn about the American Anti-Corruption Act
Start: Saturday, November 04, 2017• 1:30 PM

Seating limited. Register here.
The 2010 Citizens United decision has allowed special-interest money to flood into American politics. But citizens like you and me have figured out something we can do about it--and "end around" on Citizens United.
We'll have three powerful speakers, then an action workshop:
1) Common Cause: “How special interests dominate our legislators”
2) Represent.Us: “What is the American Anti-Corruption Act?”
3) Colorado rep. Joe Salazar: “Making the AACA is passable and constitutional”
We've drafted a template for anti-corruption legislation called the American Anti-Corruption Act (AACA), and citizen groups across the country are now busy getting it before citizens and lawmakers, and passing resolutions and laws at the local level according to its standards. The AACA will redefine the meaning of corruption and end the "pay for play" system that currently rules Washington D.C., and much of local government as well. It's time to get this ball rolling in Colorado.
One of the best things about the AACA...it's being championed by people on both sides of the political divide. Everyone's equally fed up with the system we've got. Ending political corruption is an issue that can unite us again.
Attend our event to learn about the AACA and how we all can help it advance.
Space is limited, so register and we'll hold you a seat (until 5 min before the event).
Non-Partisan (Everyone’s equally fed up with the status quo)
Learn more about the AACA: represent.us & anticorruptionact.org
Meet your neighbors & get involved: actiontaskforce.org or activist@actiontaskforce.org
or text "AACA" to 444-999