Lehigh Valley: Why Gerrymandering is Bad, and How to Fix It

Start: Friday, January 12, 2018 7:00 PM

End: Friday, January 12, 2018 9:00 PM

Democracy means voters choose their politicians.

Current Pennsylvania law lets politicians choose their voters.

The Problem: Pennsylvania has some of the most unfair congressional and legislative districts in the country. In the Lehigh Valley and around the state, gerrymandering has weakened the power of our votes—and Pennsylvania politicians are working behind closed doors to keep it that way. Our current redistricting process allows party leaders to draw the lines, a clear conflict of interest. If we allow this situation to continue, we will get another decade of extreme partisan politics, gridlock in Harrisburg and Washington and a weakened democracy. There is another way.

How We’ll Fix It: Redistricting will happen after the 2020 Census—but it will only be fair if we change the state constitution first. Fair Districts PA, a nonpartisan, citizen-led group, is working to do just that. Bipartisan bills have already been introduced to take the process out of the hands of politicians and into the hands of an impartial, independent citizen’s commission. The bills (proposed by our own Lehigh Valley legislators!) are supported by a growing list of legislators from across the state.

Take Action: Come hear from Carol Kuniholm, Co-founder and Chair of Fair Districts PA, about how gerrymandering is bad for government, bad for business and bad for the Lehigh Valley—as well as how we can fix it, together.

The discussion will continue with Rep. Steve Samuelson (D-135) and former Rep. David Parker (R-115), both staunch advocates for reform. There will be time for audience questions. Doors open at 6:30pm.

The event is sponsored by the League of Women Voters of Lehigh County, the Justice and Advocacy Committee of the Lehigh Conference of Churches, and Fair Districts PA.