Let Our People Go! Let them live on the Promised Line

Start: Friday, November 29, 201910:30 AM

Let Us Make our Exodus from Carbon Bondage and go Live on the Promised Line

Let My People GoBest Friends will announce a demonstration, in lfront of the existing Spinx gas stations on Rivers Ave. on Black Friday as part of the Global Climate Strike, phase II to protest plans to build a three acre sururban style fueling complex and convenience store at the intersection of Rivers Ave. and Mc. Millian a few miles South on the same roadway. This are has been planned to be part of a walkable, transit enabled multi use development on the future Rapid Transit line running from Summerville to Charleston which will also include the site of the old Navy Hospital.

The demonstration will have an Egyptian / Old Testament Theme with Ten Commandments for community planning along our future Rapid Transit Line. There will be a demand to let Our People Go to live on the Promised Line. The river of traffic will be parted so that people can reach the demonstration site from the bus stop across busy, and dangerous, rivers ave. As Moses once bid Pharaoh to make cities without bricks, we will remind Spinx that we build cities with people, not cars. Participants are invited to come costumed as Equptians and Hebrews. Moses and Ramses will be present in costume to interact with the media and participants. Yes, we'll take Harem girls and Hebrew shepherdesses as well.  

The Mystery of the Spinx, How Can They be So Wrong?
Spinx plans to build a suburban style gas station and convenience store on the SW corner of Rivers and McMillan Ave., about two miles south of the demonstration location.

Plans for Old Navy Hospital AreaImage, Left, planning diagrams for the area around the old Navy Hospital by the Urban Land Institute from Summer 2019 meeting.

A transit enabled landscape for people centered around the Intersection of Rivers and McMillian Avenues, near the old Navy hospital in N. Charleston should be the centerpiece of the twenty five mile long linear community which will grow up along the Lowcountry’s planned Rapid Transit line. The demand for approval by the Sphinx gas station company for a three acre, suburban style gas station and convenience store is inappropriate and an insult to a community which has suffered a generation of neglect and abuse since the Navy Base shut down. The plan is redundant, with an Exxon gas station already standing across that same intersection.

Spinx Gas PumpIt is exploitative and provides no opportunity for affordable housing, high quality employment or civic or cultural use. It is wasteful, being a one story suburban facility sprawling across an absurd amount of ground which is centrally located on high ground in the middle of our new transit line. It will stand in the most notorious food desert in the region. Better Transit will only work and improve the quality of people lives if it's place in a landscape which works.

It is difficult to imagine a worse use for this much irreplaceable land. To aggravate matters, Spinx is alleged to have requested that the planned transit station across the street be relocated. For a company selling a product to drivers on the verge of mass conversion to electric vehicles like the ones Volvo is planning to build in nearby Ridgeville is equivalent to tearing down an Airport in 1925 to build a buggy whip factory.

We'll Start with a Visit to City Hall on Nov. 14

Logo for Best Friends of Lowcountry Transit, Inc. Best Friends of Low-country Transit is currently partnering with other groups both for the City Council presentation on Nov. 14 and the planned December demonstration. For more information contact William J. Hamilton, III, Executive Director, (843) 870-5299, (843) 577-5232 or wjhamilton29464@gmail.com. A facebook signup for the Nov. 14 appearance at North Charleston City Council is now online at https://www.facebook.com/events/440173266688006/

Sign up now to be a part of the #ClimateStrike!