Limestone Coast - Where are we at?

Start: 2020-07-12 14:30:00 UTC Adelaide (GMT+09:30)

End: 2020-07-12 16:00:00 UTC Adelaide (GMT+09:30)

This is a virtual event

The Extinction Rebellion Limestone Coast Affinity Group  (XRLC) invites you to join a Zoom chat.

Share information and ideas about whether the ban on fracking in the Limestone Coast is secure, the Federal government’s Covid-19 recovery response, all things gas and what we can do to help our climate, ecosystems and community.

  • Learn more about the government’s COVID-19 economic [oil and gas????] recovery plan
  • Discuss the Productivity Commission’s draft findings that bans and moratoria should be avoided
  • Find out about XR and why some people are blocking roads and risking arrest for the planet

We are using the video conferencing tool Zoom for this event. Upon registering on Action Network you'll be provided with instructions on how to install and use Zoom on your device. We'll also provide you with ways to contact us if you require technical support.