Listening Circle
Start: Monday, June 03, 2024• 7:00 AM
End: Monday, June 03, 2024• 8:30 PM
Climate justice activism is hard work. It can take a toll on our body-mind-spirit chipping away at our resilience. Sharing and connecting with others in a listening circle is an antidote for this toll. XR NYC’s Regenerative Culture working group offers inperson and online listening circles. These circles provide a community space where rebels can share and witness what is alive for them in the moment be it personal or activism-related ----from climate grief to joy over a victory to anxious feelings aroused during an action. LIstening circles are also a space where we can learn and practice skills for enhancing resilience and building capacity for organizing.
Circles will be offered at least monthly at differing times and outdoor, indoor and online locations. Attend as often as you wish.
To protect any attendee or their loved ones who are vulnerable, we ask that you wear a high-quality mask. This space is elevator accessible. Let us know if you have accessibility needs in order to attend.