Local Level Action, Statewide Impact
Start: Friday, December 18, 2020 at 12:30 AM GMT
End: Friday, December 18, 2020 at 2:30 AM GMT
This is a virtual event
As 2020 comes to an end, let's organize to support our public schools. We'll discuss coalition-building and moving into the 2021 budget with action plans. RSVP here, and you will receive the Zoom link shortly before the event.
In 2021, we have a state superintendent election and a budget cycle, both of which are crucial for the future of Wisconsin's public schools. Everyone who cares about these public schools and the kids who attend them are encouraged to join us in this action-planning workshop so we can start the new year ready to take local action and make a real difference. Invite your friends!
The Wisconsin Public Education Network is a non-partisan grassroots coalition of local public school advocacy groups, school districts, and individuals from all over Wisconsin who believe all children in the state deserve to thrive in our excellent public schools.
Please submit this form to RSVP and get connected.