Lowcountry 121222 Walmart Witness

Start: Saturday, December 22, 2012 8:00 AM

More details TBD- After meeting for 8 am Breakfast near the Wando Crossing Walmart in Mount Pleasant we'll do three, short one hour demonstrations on the public sidewalks near the entrances to 3 Walmarts, come to part or all of it.
8 am- 8:35 Breakfast- Mount Pleasant
9 -10 am Wando Crossing, Mount Pleasant,
10:30 - 11:30 River's Ave- N. Charleston and the
12 noon to 1 pm- West Ashley/Charleston
1 pm- informal Coffee house gathering and wrapup, West Ashley

These demonstrations will focus on the system of Global economic injustice created by Walmart which destroyed South Carolina's own once vibrant Textile sewing industry and eventually created the conditions which have made a series of lethal factory fires in third world sweatshops inevitable.  Return here for complete schedule and later, separate sign ups for each event that day.  These demonstrations will be fully legal and arrests are not desired or anticipated.  Please check back here as these arrangements are tentative at this time.
Event by
William Hamilton
Mount Pleasant, South Carolina
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