#MakeClimateAClass: WorldWide Climate and Justice Education Week at PCC

Start: Monday, April 01, 2024 8:00 AM

End: Monday, April 08, 2024 9:30 PM

Institution Name: Pima Community College

Climate action requires all of us, not just climate experts. That’s why we invite PCC faculty to #MakeClimateAClass during Worldwide Climate and Justice Education Week (April 1-8 2024).

Any educator can work to Make Climate A Class, no matter the subject. Once you’ve pledged to Make Climate a Class, we will reach out to you with our climate education resources to help you spark real dialogue on climate within your institution.

RSVP with this form to pledge today to spend at least 30 minutes in your class talking about climate during Worldwide Climate and Justice Education Week (or any time this semester!)

#MakeClimateAClass Lead Contact at PCC:

Maria Pereira, PhD

Sustainability Faculty Fellow

Email: mpereira2@pima.edu

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