March 2023 UWSinKC Unlearning Circle

Start: 2023-03-27 19:00:00 UTC Central Daylight Time (US & Canada) (GMT-05:00)

End: 2023-03-27 21:00:00 UTC Central Daylight Time (US & Canada) (GMT-05:00)

This is a virtual event

Please join us on zoom March 27th at 8 pm ET, 7 pm CT, 5 pm PT, for our Undoing White Supremacy in Kink Community Unlearning Circle. In this unlearning circle we will return to another characteristic of white supremacy culture: Individualism. (See resources below for more about these characteristics as defined by Tema Okun and Kenneth Jones.) The website says this about Individualism. "Our cultural story that we make it on our own, without help, while pulling ourselves up by our own bootstraps, is a toxic denial of our essential interdependence and the reality that we are all in this, literally, together." Come discuss how individualism impacts our leather, kink, and BDSM communities and perpetuates racism in our lives.

Hope to see you there!

UWSinKC invites you to give us feedback about the ULCs - what you like about our format and ideas you have for ways ULCs could better meet your needs - things you’d like us to try, explore more, what might be altered, . . .. Please take a few minutes to email with the subject line: feedback ULC.  


People’s Institute for Survival and Beyond - Antiracist Principles

Please note: We ask people attending the unlearning circle to keep their cameras on during the meeting. The room is closed to newcomers after community agreements are consented to, by those present at the time. This is typically 20 minutes after the hour.

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