Poor People's Campaign Statehouse Assembly // Arrive: 10am / March: 10:30am / Assembly: 11am
Start: Saturday, March 02, 2024•10:00 AM
If you believe in a living wage, universal access to healthcare, immediate action on climate change, upholding and strengthening voter rights, and challenging the war economy, then join us on Saturday, March 2nd 2024, as Vermont joins 30+ states for this nationwide, simultaneous day of mass action: Mass Poor and Low Wage-Workers' Statehouse Assemblies and to the Polls!
Arrive at 10am to the Montpelier Transit Center (Taylor Street between Rte 2 and State St), march to the statehouse at 10:30am, and assembly at the Statehouse at 11am. We will be joining with thousands of others: poor and low-wealth people, people of faith, advocates, organizations, and more, in one coalition, calling on our state and federal governments to address the interlocking injustices of poverty, racism, the war economy, ecological devastation, and the distorted moral narrative of christian nationalism. We cannot address poverty without addressing ecological devastation, nor can we address systemic racism without addressing the war economy, and so on. It goes hand in hand, and the time to act is now.
This event comes one week ahead of "Super Tuesday," a few days before VT Town Meeting Day, and 35 weeks ahead of the national general 2024 election. Poverty is the 4th leading cause of death in this country, and there are 140 million poor and low-wealth people in the US (almost half the population) who are at, below, or just one crisis away from the (out-dated) "poverty line", while subsidies and policy preferences continue flowing to rich individuals and corporations. When we address policy violence that denies millions of us healthcare, livable wages, voting rights, and the right to lead dignified lives, we lift from the bottom. And we must, at the same time address the policy subsidies and preferences going to billionaires, the trillion dollar war machine that fuels displacement and endless war, and the ecological devastation wrought by greed and profiteers. Forward together! Not one step back.
Learn more by watching this short video. This event is FAMILY FRIENDLY! There will be a kid's and families area with games and activites.