March for Science Cambridge - Boston 2019 Rally

Start: Saturday, May 04, 201911:00 AM

End: Saturday, May 04, 2019 1:00 PM

Event Page:

It's time for the 2019 March for Science Boston - Cambridge!

In 2017 and 2018, thousands of us came to defend Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) as well as the climate and environment. We want to do it again: bring attention to important issues and push for evidence-based policy.

On Saturday May 4th 2019, we will host the third annual March for Science. Together we can make a difference, advance scientific research, and raise support for evidence-based policies in New England.

Our priorities:
1. Spread the message that science is real, and the crucial need to have fact-based, evidence-based, and reality-based policy.
2. Climate change is real. If we want to preserve our natural environment for generations to come, we must take action now.
3. We support the inclusion of People of Color, women, and in LGBT community in STEM professions. We believe that a good society is one in which everyone is scientifically, mathematically, and technologically literate. We can only advance as a society when everyone has access to STEM education and has the opportunity to contribute to our technological advancement.

If you are a member of a pro-science, pro-education, environment or technology group, please make a public comment here on this event page. We are looking for groups to endorse and support our event. We will also be needing speakers.

Official Event Partners:
Extinction Rebellion MA
(more to come)

If you have a question about this event, your understanding and patience is greatly appreciated. Once we get a coalition of groups together then we can have more people to moderate this facebook event page and take questions.