Mass Poor People’s and Low-Wage Workers’ State House Assembly
Start: Saturday, March 02, 2024•10:00 AM

On Saturday, March 2 at 11AM (Gathering at 10), the Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival will march and rally in state capitals across the country, bringing the demands of poor and low-wealth people for living wages, healthcare, housing, education, environmental justice, and voting rights directly to our lawmakers. From here in Augusta to Texas and California to the Carolinas, thousands of poor and impacted people, clergy and advocates will call for an end to poverty in the richest nation on earth, so that on March 2nd.....
“By the thousands we will move. Many will wonder where we are coming from. Our only answer will be that we are coming up out of great trials and tribulation. Some of us will come from Mississippi, some of us will come from Cleveland. But we will all be coming from the same conditions. We will be seeking a city whose Builder and Maker is God and if we will do this we will be able to turn this nation upside down and right side up. We may just be able to speed up the day when people everywhere will respect the dignity and worth of human personality and all will cry out that we are children of God.”
—Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., 1967 of the Poor People’s March