May End Corporate Rule - National Call

Start: 2018-05-23 21:00:00 UTC Eastern Time (US & Canada) (GMT-05:00)

This is a virtual event

Call Time: 6:00 PM PT, 7:00 PM MT, 8:00 PM CT, 9:00 PM ET
Conference Call Number: (712) 770-4160    
Access Code: 754227#

Please join us on a special conference call on an issue of particular importance to People Demanding Action's End Corporate Rule Issue Organizing Team. We will be devoting our entire call to a discussion of the Koch brothers influence on public universities in the United States of America.

We are pleased to announce that we be joined on the call by three key leaders on this issue: 1) Professor David Kuebrich; 2) Samantha Parsons; and 3) Professor Bethany Letiecq.

Dave and Bethany are both members of the Faculty Senate at George Mason University (GMU) - the largest public university in Virginia. GMU is the current epicenter of the fight to disclose the truth about what the Kochs are really up to at public universities. Dave started to research the Kochs' role on the GMU campus in 2011. Bethany is the President of the GMU chapter of AAUP. Sam started her involvement in this matter in 2014, while a student at GMU. and was a co-founder of

UnKoch My Campus

Active Petitions

Tell Congress Stop Taking the NRA's Money

Stand with Senator Sanders - Negotiate Prescription Drug Prices Under Medicare

Support Off Fossil Fuels For a Better Future Act

Event by
Andrea Miller
Ruther Glen, Virginia
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Ruther Glen, VA